Dentists Speak Out on The Affordable Care Act

Dentists Speak Out on The Affordable Care ActPresident Obama’s Affordable Care Act ruffled feathers among dentists.

Most would prefer that the federal government stay out of their dental practice management.

“The Act was conceived way too fast, with very little advice from health care professionals.” complained a California dentist.

“Keep dentistry out of it!” said an Oklahoma dentist. “It is bad enough that dental insurance is attempting to dictate fees.”

The Affordable Care Act requires health insurers to provide dental care for children, but not adults, along with a provision to provide grants for alternative dental care providers.

The Wealthy Dentist conducted a survey that asked dentists if the think the Affordable Care Act will help their dental practice.

It was certainly a controversial health-care survey, and legislation!

To hear more of what dentists had to say on the Affordable Care Act, Click on Play to watch the following short video —

[jwplayer config=’twdsurveys’ file=mp4:survey267-affordable-care-act.mp4 image=”” html5_file=””]

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