Dentists Confess That They Are Not Wealthy

Dentists Confess That They Are Not Wealthy (Video)The general public commonly perceives all dentists as wealthy.

The Wealthy Dentist decided to conduct a survey asking dentists if they consider themselves wealthy – and two out of three dentists said no, they are not in fact wealthy.

As a California dentist put it, “One of the most frustrating things about dentistry is the enormous financial investment one must make to first complete a dental education and then later to start up a practice. As much as I love dentistry, I am not sure I would choose this path if I had it to do over again. Many other fields are more lucrative without the same financial investment.”

General dentists were somewhat less likely than specialists to consider themselves wealthy.

In reality, dentists must produce much more revenue than they pay themselves, and the truth is that there are few dentists that are very wealthy.

To hear more of what dentists had to say about being a wealthy dentist, Click on Play to watch the following video–

[S3VIDEO file=’Survey17-WealthyDentist.mp4′ bucket=’twdsurveys’ buffer=’10’ width=’440′ height=’330′ sitemap=’true’ thumbnail=’’ bgimage=’’]

Dentists, are you a wealthy dentist?

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