Category: Marketing Article Samples

Check out these practical internet marketing articles, plus stories and expert advice from Catherine Hughes

20 Most Common Web Content Mistakes

When entrepreneurs decide to take their business dreams online, they tend to make a lot of common web content mistakes because websites built for visitors and the type of technology visitors use to interact with you is entirely different from networking offline and making sales calls. Even when entrepreneurs have a seasoned online business, they still [...]
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Best Creative Tools for Web Content

Affinity Designer and Photo Affinity Designer is a vector graphics editor conceived as an alternative to Adobe Illustrator. It's less technical by nature and easier to use for creatives. Not to mention the price! If you are looking to create your own graphics or edit photographs then I recommend you check out Affinity Designer and [...]
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The Best Website Tools

Website Builders Whenever I travel, I'm still amazed to find businesses listed in Google who do not have a website. The owners rely on a Google local listing, a Yelp listing, or a Facebook Page for their Internet presence. Many small business owners still believe that managing a website is difficult and too much to [...]
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The Best Email Marketing Tools

There are a lot of email marketing tools that can help you grow your business. Often, new entrepreneurs handle everything involved in launching their business, including all of the marketing. To support those efforts, I've compiled some of the most helpful email marketing tools I recommend to help develop a loyal following and turn your [...]
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The 8 Best Web Analytics Tools

Are you curious what the best web analytics tools are for online success? Alternatively, do you find yourself questioning why you need them or even what web owners use analytics for in today's competitive online marketplace? Reviewing and understanding your website's web analytics allows you to see if your online content efforts are successful or [...]
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